
The Longwood – Bradbury – Scott Creek EFS (as it was called then) was formed on 7th February 1955 as a result of a meeting organised by the Scott Creek and Longwood Progress Associations. The committee was Les Lewis President, Clive Williams Secretary, John Allen Treasurer, Harry Wright, Frank Lowe, Keith Norsworthy, Charlie Allen, Sandy Hill and Noel Rickaby.

The meetings were hold in the local halls then at John and Roma Allen’s where Roma provided suppers. After much discussion as to where the station would be built, Scott Creek or Bradbury, John Allen offered a parcel of land that was leased from him and then later purchased.

Up to the time a station was built equipment consisted of knapsacks supplied by the council and put at fire controllers houses and a tank left at the silicate works ready to be loaded on to someone’s truck.

Much fund raising was done to be able to build a station and obtain a fire unit (appliance). Members all paid 2 shillings and local people Mr and Mrs Wood held regular card nights to raise money. Dances were also held and November bonfire nights and Queen competitions. Later we held wine tastings, moonlight hikes and car rallies. Ray Allen did water carting from 1964-1987.

It is noted that a raffle was to be drawn at a dance with a prize of 6 bottles of ale and the local school children sold the tickets.

The first fire appliance was bought in 1957 from C.O.R. Oil Company for 200 pounds. There wasn’t enough money to buy it so 5 members lent the money. It was then built up to the desired standard by some of the members and was ready for use by 1958.

In 1964 a 1940 Chevrolet fire truck was bought from Aldgate EFS and then in 1967 a brand new Toyota Landcruiser was bought for 2898 pounds and then built up by members. In 1971 an ex-ETSA Austin twin-cab was purchased for $650 and again built up by members. In 1985 a 1976 Acco 410 was purchased by the council and built up by Wotton Sales. In 1993 we bought from Summertown CFS a 1980 Nissan 14 fire truck for $11,500. In 1998 the Acco was replaced by council by a fully built up Hino 24, which we still have. We now also have a Mitsubishi 14 supplied by CFS and also house the Mt Lofty Group Tanker.

Back to getting a station to house the first fire truck. After accepting John Allen’s offer of land, in September 1958 Ray Allen was authorised to purchase a shed 30’x16’x8’ for 176 pounds and then it as erected by members at working bees. In 1964 it was decided to erect another shed onto the existing one and again it was with working bees and was opened in 1966. Then in 1972 it was decided to add a meeting room, kitchen and toilet block but then in 1985 it was found that a new appliance was coming and wouldn’t fit in the shed. No worries said Ray Allen, we will just lift and roof and extend the sides, a piece of cake. And they did just that.

Then in 1996 it was found the station did not meeting the regulatory standards and after much negotiations a new site was found next to the Longwood Hall. Adelaide Hills Council purchased a piece of land from Max Bradbury and added it to the Hall title. And so in October 1998 work started on a brand new station. Ray Allen sketched a design and Hermann DeRoos drew up the plans. Mt Barker Steel erected the shed and then with many working bees again the inside fit out was done. The new station was officially opened on 21st May 2000. Many members knew if they turned up for working bees on Sundays they would Lois’ lamb roasts. After lots of hard work the station was officially opened in May 2000. But it didn’t stop there as a back shed was later added to serve as a Tanker bay and Group Store.

Our brigade was known as Longwood – Bradbury – Scott Creek or LBS EFS and run by the council until 1976 when we became LBS CFS. In 1995 when we were requested by CFS regional office to shorten our name the brigade became Bradbury CFS.

Some interesting facts:

  • In February 1957 the meeting was held in the local bus as John and Ray Allen were working underneath it doing repairs so it would be ready for the morning run.
  • When the government bought out people for Scott Creek Conservation Park, the brigade got a lot of the building materials from houses that were to be bulldozed.
  • The local Women in Agriculture and Business (WAB) held a lunch every year for many years to give the proceeds to the brigade.
  • There was also much help with donations from Scott Creek Social Club and the brigade Women’s Auxiliary.
  • No women were active fire-fighters until 1992.
  • In the early days fire-fighters supplied their own boots.
  • The brigade held regular river trips, the women never knew what they got up to.
  • At one time there were 7 Lewis’ and 10 Allen’s in the brigade, not counting 6 Auxiliary members, so Lewis’ and Allen’s have a long history in the brigade.
  • We have been through the 2 Ash Wednesdays with 1980 affecting this area and have sent strike teams interstate and all over our state.

Information compiled by Lois Allen for the 60th anniversary of Bradbury CFS in 2015.

Life Members

  • Ray Allen 58 years (retired)
  • Robert Lewis 47 years (retired)
  • Peter Lewis 43 years (retired)
  • Malcolm Allen (retired)
  • Doug Allen (retired)
  • John Allen (passed away)
  • Ron Nelson 47 years
  • Fred Rainey 30 years (passed away)
  • Barry Sparrow (retired)
  • Malcolm Hale 39 years
  • Brian Woodlands 28 years (retired)
  • Martin Carney 35 years
  • Graham Bacon 31 years
  • Andrew Nixon 31 years
  • Richard Miles
  • Tony Lewis
  • Lois Allen

Bradbury CFS Ladies Auxiliary 1967-2015

Before the Auxiliary was formed some of us who’s husbands were in the EFS would supply food and drinks, often serving from the back of a station wagon while they were out at fires. We would go right to the fireground, a no-no now.

So some of use got together and asked permission of the EFS to form an Auxiliary so on February 1967 we became Longwood – Bradbury – Scott Creek EFS Auxiliary. Our founding members were Roma Allen, Mary Allen, Lois Allen, Wendy Allen, Doris Errey, D. Farmilo, Mrs Lamont and Mrs Williams.

The purpose of the Auxiliary was to provide food and drinks, usually tea, to the fireground and to raise money to assist the brigade to purchase a new fire appliance and to buy much needed equipment.

We became a very active group as far as fundraising went, holding stalls in Stirling and Aldgate selling everything from produce to cakes and apple pies, jams, pickles, sauces, you name it and we made it. We held fashion parades, wool parades, catered for weddings, birthdays, dinners, luncheons and even funerals. We would cater at clearing sales and usually come home with something we had bought.

We paid 50c to be a member and with the money we raised we helped to buy a new fire truck, first aid kits, BA (Breathing Apparatus) coats, BA sets, TVs, fridges, freezers, mobile phones and anything the brigade needed we would buy. We recently paid for a cabin deluge system to be fitted to one of the fire trucks.

When the current station was built the ladies raised enough money to completely fit out the lovely kitchen and everything from floor coverings to the cupboards, all the vertical blinds and screens on all windows, a total of $11,288. What an effort. We held Kytons hot cross bun and lamington drives and help run the annual Christmas party for children.

It was noted that one meeting was held in the radio room so Lois could take the minutes and man the radio for a fire callout.

It was also noted many a time when we needed food in a hurry we would clean our cake tins and the lovely piece of corned beef just cooked would be used for sandwiches and we never asked for money for it, we did it for love. Now we go to the supermarket and buy what’s needed.

So we come to another era, we are not needed for fund raising like we used to be and our numbers are getting smaller. Stalls are difficult to run due to food regulations. Catering for incidents is now done at Group level so we have decided to finish as an Auxiliary and those members that wish to continue in the brigade will remain as operational support members.

So for 48 years we have been a very productive Auxiliary raising thousands and thousands of dollars and we have left the brigade with a very healthy bank balance so well done to us all and we can be very proud of our achievements.

Information compiled by Lois Allen for the 60th anniversary of Bradbury CFS in 2015.